Have you heard The Call from your own Soul?…

Uncategorized Oct 16, 2023

Have you heard The Call from your own Soul?...

Perhaps this Call is becoming more of a Howl?! ...


As a member of many Online Shamanic Groups, I am constantly dismayed at some of the opinions shared, that Shamanism demands that you give up your life and go and live in the jungle for 10 years with indigenous people to learn the ‘proper Shamanic ways’.

In my view, Shamanism is The Call to and from your own Soul to remember and reconnect with the Great Spirit and Mother Earth in whatever way works for you in your current reality.


I’d love to have a spare 10 years to go and live in the Amazonian jungle with a ‘Proper Shaman’ to learn their ways.  But I don’t!!

I am a mother of 3 children under 11 and my biggest responsibility is to them.

And yet, if we are hearing The Call, it can and will direct our Soul to opportunities where we can adjust and adapt our lives to be able to follow up on The Call, whilst also maintaining our commitments to the important responsibilities we hold.


Three years ago, The Call lead me to Guatemala with my children, to live amongst the Mayan indigenous people that make up over 80% of Guatemala’s population.  But this was only after about 17 years of exploring Shamanism on my own home turf of England!!

I had a strong inkling that at some point I would meet someone, a teacher for me, for the next stage of my own Shamanic Journey.  And yet I did not seek this person out, as I have learned by now that the right people come at the right time when you are ready and willing to receive them. 

And yet, the biggest surprise came that my ‘teacher’ of Mayan Wisdom and Ways only made himself known to me after I had already known him as a ‘gardener’ for over a year.  He was the long-term gardener for the gardens of the house that I had been renting for a year, and when I finally bought my own house with land on the volcano just out of the town, I asked him if he would help me at my new property.

Despite having a good working knowledge of European plants for food and medicine, I had no idea what all these new Guatemalan plants were, whether they were food, medicine or poison!  And so I employed Pedro to come and help me and teach me about the local plant life.

Well, he turned out to be an Ancestral Lineage Plant and Dream Shaman (of course he did!!), not merely a ‘gardener’.

Some of the stories that he has told me of things he has witnessed and experienced sound like they are straight out of a Carlos Castaneda novel!!  And I absolutely believe him, as he is a man of great integrity who only shares his stories with those he honours and trusts.

And after two years as my ‘gardener’, Pedro is very much a beloved member of our family, and has open-heartedly taken on the role of Grandfather to my children as well as Teacher of Indigenous Mayan Wisdom and Knowledge to me.

This includes everything from teaching and protecting me in my dreams to teaching me how to grow and harvest the sacred corn, when to pick it, how to dry it, and how to honour it. 

My own Soul’s lesson of this part of my Shamanic Journey is to remember and understand that our connection with The Earth and what she offers to nourish and nurture us, is the foundation of our connection to Spirit.  That to remember and re-learn how to feed ourselves from Her abundant breast whilst honouring and respecting that bounty as Sacred, is fundamental to re-connecting us back to our own Indigenous timeline, of our own Ancestors as well as our own Soul’s journey through many life-times.


Have you heard The Call to your own Shamanic Journey?

Do you have a busy life with a million and one other commitments, but you are hearing this Call, louder and louder?

Where is The Call leading your Soul at this time? 

Perhaps you are relatively new to Shamanism and are not sure where to begin, or you have dabbled here and there, and want to commit to a deeper process, but lack the time or money to dive in fully to some of the more demanding Pathways?

Are you ready for a fun and low-maintenance approach to Shamanism?

If your answer is YES to any of these questions, then I'm really excited to share my latest offering with you...


The SHAMANIC TREASURE TRAIL MEMBERSHIP is here to provide a fun, playful and light-touch opportunity to commit to a Shamanic Pathway, that you can engage with in a way that works for you in your life, whilst juggling life’s other responsibilities.

You will not be asked to give up your life to go and live with a Mongolian Shaman for several years, nor commit thousands of pounds to come away with a bit of paper that declares you are officially a ‘Practitioner’!

This is a Pathway of Personal Exploration, to help your Soul maintain it’s balance and find it’s way in this crazy, chaotic world, to identify the next stage of your own journey, that will serve you, your life and others, as we navigate some pretty turbulent times.

It is also a journey of connection, to connect with a Wolf-Pack of like-minded kindred spirits, as we explore the Shamanic Wilderness of our inner and outer realities.


Enrolment is NOW OPEN, and we set off on 2nd November 2023.

I am offering a Founding Member Price of £13 per Month, which will be going up shortly, so take advantage of this Early-Bird deal as a Founding Member of our Wolf Pack!

If you are ready for this kind of Online Vision Quest Adventure to Stalk Your Soul Path, then CLICK HERE to find out more and sign up…


Blessings, as always, in Love, Truth and Freedom

Jo xx


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