Shamanic Healing for Transformative Times

Supporting You To Fully Embody Your Human Sovereignty By Clearing The Spiritual Mechanisms Of Oppression 


  • SPECIAL OFFER - Pay-What-You-Want (Minimum £3.33 per Transmission) 

  • BUY NOW - Volume One - Escaping The Matrix - The Complete Collection - £47

Choose Your Own Medicine...

  • Cherry-pick the Transmission that calls to you

  • OR ... follow the numbered system from the beginning at No. 001 and work your way through these Transmissions in order (recommended - as each one builds upon the healing work done in previous Transmissions)



Scroll down to access the FREE Gaia Transmissions which start at No. 001

"Thank you so much for the healing, it was amazing. I felt the shivers - when you were talking about the Horned One I suddenly felt a headache. It stayed until you asked the Angel to banish it. I now feel so light - really alive, awake and reassured! Thank you so much for this !"


"Thank you so very much Joanna. When you referred to the witches in the 16th century my whole body experienced waves of shaking and trembling and I cried out so deeply. I feel so empowered and grateful for this healing work."


"I loved the guided Shamanic meditation you offered us. It was amazing. I saw wings when you called forth the first ally and every time you talked about getting the chills and breaths I had them too! I was getting them BEFORE you said them, so it was happening simultaneously with you. Pretty cool huh ?"


"Wow! That was incredibly beautiful Jo."


"Today felt like the right day to take part in this journey. Wow, this work is incredibly powerful, so thank you so much for sharing this offering. "


"Your transmissions always blow me away and give me tingles, they seem to resonate deeply inside me in a way I can't find words for."


"Wow, Joanna Joy, I have just listened to and received Gaia Transmission No.41... that was soooooo powerful!!! I cried tears of realisation, recognition, pain, joy, healing and more... and all from my left eye! I now need to rest, exhausted I am! I thank you, I thank you, I thank You Joanna Joy. With Much Love and Gratitude.... x"


"Hi Joanna, I just wanted to thank you for being one of the few people who is publicly addressing what is going on [in the world]. All I'm experiencing from most teachers/healers/shamans is absolute silence. Silence in the face of such evil in not acceptable. Blessings on you and your work, Much Love"


"Bloody powerful stuff I love it. It processed in the most powerful dreams ever! I always process stuff in dreams but never this powerfully. Thanks so much for this Joanna"



 The Gaia Transmissions Story …

In April 2020 I started receiving powerful channelled transmissions from my Spiritual Guides, to help us navigate through these turbulent and crazy times we find ourselves in.

As more Transmissions came through, I started to understand that the wisdom, healing and energetic activations contained within them were designed to untangle us from thousands of years of intentional sabotage in the form of systems and tactics of oppression which have essentially  disabled our Souls from being able to operate at full capacity.

The Gaia Transmissions are a series of pre-recorded Distance Healing Activations that cover a wide range of healing themes, topics and issues, including ...


  • Clearing trauma and pain patterns, unhealthy mental and emotional patterns, as well limiting Ancestral and Karmic patterns.

  • Providing a benevolent spiritual perspective and wisdom on our current times of both the personal and global situations that our world is challenged with.

  • Inviting us to transition through a Paradigm Shift, away from old and detrimental structures of thinking and living, to become the change we wish to see in our world, stepping into a more empowered place of spiritual freedom, personal truth and strength, self-reliance and independence.

  • Detoxification and Protection from many different forms of intended and unintended harm, that affect us physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and technologically.


These Transmissions are available to purchase individually, or for those who wish to commit more fully to this path of Human and Spiritual Sovereignty, I also have a Membership Option to take the Deep Dive and Fast Track that many of us are now being called to.


PLEASE NOTE - The Gaia Transmissions have been hacked at least 3 times by unknown cyber hackers, and the Transmissions that deal specifically with healing for those who have had the CoV@x have mysteriously disappeared several times.  If you have any problems purchasing or accessing the individual Gaia Transmissions or the  Membership, please email me at and I will do my best to resolve the issue.  
Clearly this work is over the target!!
Many Thanks, Jo xx

Watch this video to find out more

This was filmed during Summer 2020, just as the Gaia Transmissions were getting going. So much has happened since then!



If you would like to have FULL UNLIMITED ACCESS to The Complete Collection of these 46 Healing Transmissions, intuitively channelled from the Spiritual Guides that I work with, to help navigate the challenging times we find ourselves in, then you can BUY VOLUME ONE NOW ! 


These Transmissions cover a wide range of healing themes, topics and issues, including ...

  • Clearing trauma and pain patterns, unhealthy mental and emotional patterns, as well limiting Ancestral and Karmic patterns.

  • Providing a benevolent spiritual perspective and wisdom on our current times of both the personal and global situations that our world is challenged with.

  • Inviting us to transition through a Paradigm Shift, away from old and detrimental structures of thinking and living, to become the change we wish to see in our world, stepping into a more empowered place of spiritual freedom, personal truth and strength, self-reliance and independence.

  • Detoxification and Protection from many different forms of intended and unintended harm, that affect us physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and technologically.


All of these Healing Transmissions will be available on live-stream and will be downloadable too, so you can save them for future off-line use.  They are yours to keep forever, and you can listen as many times as you wish, to receive the healing again if you feel you need to.


Now, more than ever, we as a human collective, are being asked if we are ready to Ascend, to let go of limiting patterns and ways of being that we have been stuck in for far too long, that restrict our freedom and prevent us reaching our true potential.  These Healing Transmissions - which come directly from Mother Earth and Compassionate and Benevolent Universal Beings of Love and Light - will be one of the tools in your box to help you to expand your consciousness and actualise yourself as a sovereign spiritual being.


Big Love
Joanna Joy

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